Parijatha Parvam Movie Review: A Kidnapping Drama

The impressive cast of “Parijatha Parvam” makes it stand out among the other new movies happening this weekend.

Casting his friend Harsha Chemudu as the film’s protagonist is an important component of Chaitanya’s (Chaitanya Rao) vision for his debut feature, which he has been trying to direct for some time.

A lot of producers are interested in his script, but they reject him when they find out he plans to have his friend play the lead role.

A failed actor turned bar owner named Bar Seenu (Sunil) was the inspiration for Chaitanya’s narrative, the actor confesses.

The female partner of a famous producer (Srikanth Aiyenger), Surekha (Surekha Vani), becomes Chaitanya’s target after he experiences multiple rejections. With the money he makes from abduction, he can make his debut film. Along with his friend and lover (Malvika Sateeshan), he receives assistance.

How successful will this abduction attempt be? What is the relationship between Chaitanya’s abduction attempt and Bar Seenu’s story?

All right, Chaitanya Rao. The acting of Harsha Chemudu has grown old. Shraddha Das and Sunil get better parts.

The film’s plot thickens thanks to Sunil, who portrays a pub owner and aspiring actor. For this part, Shraddha Das is perfect.

Unlike her typical parts, Surekha Vani gets to play a unique character.

The film’s production and technical qualities are on par with those of a short film, demonstrating technical excellence.

Analysis of Parijatha Parvam

Comedies about regular people attempting kidnappings or films about aborted kidnapping attempts are nothing new.

A lot of films have used the same basic plot with little tweaks here and there. “Paarijatha Parvam” is an additional effort in same vein.

Unfortunately, Santosh Kambhampati, the new director, isn’t very good at writing, therefore he doesn’t add anything new to the pattern or make it interesting.

Although it claims to be a comedy, the audience doesn’t find the joke funny. People who can sit through the film’s dull first half are heroes for having faith in what’s to come.

In “Parijaatha Parvam,” there are two clever lines. According to the producer, “Everyone who resides in Krishna Nagar thinks they have written a great story” when the aspiring director (Chaitanya Rao) narrates this. Similarly, Sunil, who has tried and failed to become an actor, admits that he has realised that the jokes that his villagers’ friends and family find funny do not appeal to producers and directors.

We both feel the same way about the film’s director as we watch it.

The film’s representation of a kidnapping drama, in which different parties assume responsibility for the abduction, is its solely interesting component. A twist in the plot involves the real kidnapper’s identity, though.

It has been a test of patience due to the absence of funny parts, poor writing, and dull narrative. The picture is obviously a first-rate attempt, even though the second half is marginally superior.

As summer blockbusters go, “Parijatha Parvam” is just another forgettable one.

Movie: Paarijatha Parvam

ibomma Rating: 1.5/5
Cast: Chaitanya Rao, Malavika Sateeshan, Harsha Chemudu, Sunil, Shradha Das, Srikanth Aiynger, Surekha Vani and others.
Music Director: Ree
DOP: Bala Saraswathi
Editor: Sasank Vupputuri
Producers: Mahidhar Reddy, Devesh
Written and Directed by: Santosh Kambhampati
Release Date: April 19, 2024

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